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Steeneken Lab | Applied Nanophysics


Please see for more information also the webpage of the DMN section at 3mE that I chair:

We study the physics, mechanics and dynamics of nanodevices with the long-term goal to deploy them on large-scales to improve our daily life. Miniaturization of device dimensions towards the nanoscale can offer clear advantages in terms of operation speed, device density, functionality and sensitivity. Integration of nanomaterials is expected to enable breakthroughs in areas like sensing, energy conversion, microfluidics, metrology, computing and communication.

In particular we focus on the integration of 2D nanomaterials with CMOS in order to create novel electromechanical sensors. Since materials like graphene can be suspended as atomically thin membranes, they provide ultimate flexibility. This opens up the possibility to create sensors with unprecedented sensitivity.

The Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Delft is a stimulating institute where a wide range of new phenomena, techniques and materials are studied. In our lab we try to apply and combine this expertise for the development of novel integrated nanodevices. This involves close collaboration with other research groups in the Kavli Institute, the Precision and Microsystems Engineering department (pme.tudelft.nl) and many other groups within and outside Delft. We stay inĀ close contacts with industrial scientists to benchmark our devices and assess their application potential.